Best Face Recognition Software

As business and enterprise evolve through the modern era, the technologies and services offered to consumers across the globe continue to advance. Face recognition software is a primary example of how far modern technology services have come overtime, particularly in the last couple decades.

This specialist software has unique capabilities which are transferable across a wide range of industries. Below we will discuss what face recognition software is and why exactly there is such a demand these days for facial recognition for businesses.

What is facial recognition software? 

Facial recognition software is tech innovative biometric technology used to identify or confirm a person’s identity using imagery of their individual facial features. Systems employing this software use biometrics to analyze features from various possible sources such as photograph, video or real-time livestream and compare the individual’s features to a dataset of trained images.

How is face recognition software built? 

Well-executed machine learning model training is at the forefront of building a successful face recognition software. Developers at SkyBiometry have worked tirelessly to produce a face recognition API system that can be implemented by business owners of all sizes and industries. Creating face recognition software that is at the point of being ready for implementation requires a lengthy process of planning, building and testing.

The core principle of the software is the ability to distinguish an individual’s facial features. Numerous facial features are used in the analysis process by face recognition software systems. These features include the following:

  • Distance and spacing between the eyes
  • Bridge and shape of the nose
  • Contour of the chin, ears and lips

SkyBiometry’s facial recognition systems showcase advanced capabilities through the capacity to detect faces at multiple angles, in addition to detecting multiple faces within a photo, video or livestream simultaneously. As well as matching the identity of an individual, the determination of facial recognition attributes can be applied to ascertain the gender, age and / or emotions of those within an image.

How can facial recognition for businesses have such a big impact? 

First, it is important to recognize the three primary categories of face recognition software systems:

Together, they accumulate a vast amount of use cases across an array of different industries. Here is a selection of our favourite applications:

  • Biometric Time Attendance Systems – Business owners can efficiently keep track of their staff through monitoring their attendance at work each day with a biometric time attendance system that is powered by face recognition software. This prevents users from ‘buddy punching’ with no further need for cards or codes that can easily be shared around.
  • User Authentication – Facilities that contain highly-secure areas which are prohibited for certain members of staff or the general public can strengthen the security by having face recognition systems triggering entry for those who should be granted access to that area.
  • Vehicle Technology – Cars and other vehicles now contain various innovative features to improve the experience of driving. Multiple manufacturers are already implementing face recognition software in order to improve safety and the drivers personalized experience. Collisions caused by drivers losing concentration can be prevented somewhat by the system monitoring any changes in eye position on the road and sending visual or audio cues to the driver to help regain attention. Moreover, different users of the same vehicle can log their personalized settings of seat position, mirrors, steering wheel, default radio station so that when a particular individual is recognized by the face recognition system the vehicle will automatically adjust to the required settings.
  • Online Profile Verification – Whether it be social media or online dating platforms, there are millions of users worldwide. Genuine users can be filtered out by providing simple face recognition tests for the user to pass in order to match their live verification face to the pictures they have uploaded to their profile.
  • Personalized Advertisement – Business owners want to provide their services or products to their ideal target audience. Most businesses will have a buyer persona that they are hoping to target. Marketing and advertising campaigns can improve vastly through using meta information such as gender, age or emotions to tailor and personalize advertisements. This helps ensure adverts are not wasted on irrelevant consumers who do not fit your business’s buyer persona.

How to test facial recognition software? 

You can use the demos section of SkyBiometry to test each detection, recognition and grouping section. See for yourself how the software works and the code which powers it.

There are various factors that can influence the accuracy of facial recognition software systems. It is crucial that high-quality face images are supplied during the training stage. Several photos of the same individual at different angles and under different lighting are recommended in order to help improve the reliability and accuracy.

The more information supplied to the dataset for training the model, the more accurate the prediction. Other determinant factors include:

  • Glasses
  • Facial expression
  • Makeup
  • Hair and facial hair
  • Face posture

If you think facial recognition for businesses can positively impact your workplace then visit our API pricing page to find the best solution for your requirements.

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