
The result of the API call is a JSON or XML object containing the requested information. The following table summarizes response object fields:

result object

Name Type Value
groups array List of one or more group of faces found in photos, when using faces/group.
group object The group of faces found in photos.
photos array List of all the photo objects that were included in the request, one photo per URL or image stream specified.
photo object The object describing an image included in the request.
tags array List of zero or more face tag objects found in the photo.
tag object The face object found in a photo.
uids array List of possible matches for the face tag (faces/recognize only). Only user ids that were specified during the faces/recognize call (either explicitly or through a list) will be returned. Refer to the threshold for a recommendation of which confidence scores are high/low for this call. When tags are saved, the confidence score is always 100.
uid object A possible match for the face tag
points array List of detected facial feature points. Available only if detect_all_feature_points=true is specified in the request.
point object Detected facial feature point.
similarities array List of similarities of this face tag with other face tags in request (faces/group only).
similarity object A similarity score of two faces tags.
user_statuses array List of training statuses of the users (faces/status only).
user_status object The training status of the user.
namespaces array List of namespaces (account/namespaces only).
namespacedata object The object describing namespace.
saved_tags array List of saved tags (tags/save only).
saved_tag object The object describing saved tag.
removed_tags array List of removed tags (tags/remove only).
removed_tag object The object describing removed tag.
usage object The usage of the API. All rate limited methods and account/limits return this object.

Yaw (rotation about Y axis), roll (rotation about Z axis) and pitch (rotation about X axis) angles are provided in degrees in range from -90 to 90. They are Tait-Bryan angles in right-hand 3D Euclidian space in image coordinate system (i.e. X axis is horizontal and points towards the right edge of the image, Y axis is vertical and points towards the bottom edge of the image and Z axis is perpendicular to the image and points away from the viewer). The rotation is reported as it would be performed about geometrical center of the head in the following order: roll (with positive direction being clockwise, towards the left shoulder of the subject), pitch (with positive direction being down) and yaw (with positive direction being to the left, towards the right shoulder of the subject). Remember that subjects are mirrored in the photo, i.e. subject’s left eye and left body parts are at the right and vice versa.

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