Welcome to SkyBiometry blog – the official source of information about SkyBiometry company and its products.
SkyBiometry is a spin-off of a successful biometric company with the goal to provide biometric technology as a service. The technology behind us is a result of continuous algorithm research and software development in the areas of biometrics and object recognition that is delivered all around the world for more than 20 years. Members of our team are professionals having 5-15 years of experience in biometric solution development as well as algorithm research and consultancy. We believe that the rapid growth of cloud technologies open opportunities to deliver better products faster and scale out easier for our customers. And now we are ready to deliver the technology we know in the form you need.
Stay tuned to this blog for information about our current and future products, research & development and general thoughts about biometric industry. Or if you prefer, join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Google+.
For more information contact us directly.
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I'm impressed with yoru product and started playign with the C# interface. So far it works well but I'm having an issue with the BeginDetect Callback.. specifically how does one cast an iAsyncResult to a FCResult???
That really boom of technology as i don't know how you did this as normal people focused on Data Abstraction i.e. plug and play.Well from starting it is being used as Latest Time Tracking software.